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The Christian Merchant

Antonio is one of the most important characters in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice. He is portrayed as a wealthy merchant who is well-respected in the city of Venice. He is intended to be admired for his role as a mentor and father figure to the rather imprudent Bassanio.One of Antonio's most distinguishing characteristics is his generosity. He is more than happy to offer his good credit standing so that Bassanio can go to Belmont in the latest fashions in order to court Portia. 

Antonio as a character cannot be easily nailed down. While the play essentially revolves around him putting himself in danger for the benefit of his friend, Bassanio, it should be remembered that Antonio’s treatment of Shylock and the jewish people is also at fault. Like Shylock, Antonio is a character comprised of both positive and negative elements, Antonio adhering to his religion delivers forgiveness to Shylock after conditions are met. While Shylock is viewed negatively Antonio is referenced as being well liked often, this being shown particularly at the trial with the number of individuals coming to his defense.



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